Bridgetek EVE Series – Open the door to better Access Control Systems

10 Apr 2024 – Bridgetek’s products include the EVE family of display controllers which make it easy to add attractive and fully featured touch-enabled graphical user interfaces to existing and new product designs.

The user interface is an important aspect of a door access system.  On traditional door access systems, it can limit the devices functionality and feature set.

However, help is at hand in the form of an EVE-enabled touch graphics display solution from Bridgetek. By using the right platform to implement the user interface, designers can free themselves from these constraints, and proceed to differentiate their product with innovative features. The EVE devices make this process much easier with their wealth of graphics, touch and audio features.

What’s more, you can achieve even greater resolution (up to 1920 x 1200 for 15” displays) and performance with the new 5th generation BT820 device from Bridgetek. Coming soon!

Get in touch with us at to find out how EVE can help you enhance your door access system design, or indeed similar applications such as keypad lock systems and many more…