How do I easily view debug print outputs on the MM900EV modules?

The MM900EV modules provide an easy way to evaluate the FT90x series of microcontrollers. It is recommended to use the UMFTPD2A module along with your MM900EV module so that you can carry out debugging and flash programming from the FT900 Toolchain. We also provide a wide range of examples which are installed with the toolchain. Many of these examples provide debug print outputs via the UART of the FT900 and some examples (such as the UART ones) send and receive data over the UART. One easy way to receive and send data over the UART is to use the spare UART port on the UMFTPD2A. This uses channel 3 of the on-board FTDI FT4232H USB-serial interface.

You can connect the UART lines from the MM900EV1B to the lines on the UMFTPD2A J2 connector.

Using the MM900EV1B as an example, and using UART0 on the FT900, the connections would be:

UMFTPD2A J2 pin 1 (GND)                           to                            MM900EV1B CN3 pin 2 (GND)

UMFTPD2A J2 pin 2 (CTS#)                          to                            MM900EV1B CN3 pin 8 (RTS#)

UMFTPD2A J2 pin 3                         (leave unconnected)

UMFTPD2A J2 pin 4 (TxD)                            to                            MM900EV1B CN3 pin 6 (RxD)

UMFTPD2A J2 pin 5 (RxD)                            to                            MM900EV1B CN3 pin 4 (TxD)

UMFTPD2A J2 pin 6 (RTS#)                          to                            MM900EV1B CN3 pin 10 (CTS#)


Once the UMFTPD2A is connected to the PC and ready (showing under Universal Serial Bus Controllers and Ports sections in Device Manager) you can open port C from a standard terminal program such as PuTTY. The module will normally appear as four consecutive COM ports e.g. USB Serial Port (COM4) to (COM7). The spare UART port C will normally be the third one and so COM6 in this example. Set the baud rate to match the one used in the FT900 example code and open the port and you can now easily communicate with the UART without needing a separate serial device.
