What are the benefits of using a separate graphics controller like EVE?

1.It allows you to use a low-cost MCU for applications with graphical display, touch and audio.

    • Ideal for upgrading existing products as well as new products.
    • Create attractive and well featured HMIs with very light loading on the MCU.
    • External flash offloads storage from MCU memory (BT81x).
    • Use your preferred MCU – SPI command set allows use with almost any MCU.

2. Having a separate graphic controller provides flexibility.

    • Have a greater choice of MCUs – code can be easily ported to work with different MCUs.
    • Change to a completely different MCU, add the EVE SPI routines, and re-use the same EVE application code saving a lot of cost, time and effort.

3. Bridgetek’s powerful graphical toolchains and code examples make application development easy.

    • EVE Screen Designer allows the GUI to be developed on a PC and generates code.
    • EVE Screen Editor allows users to develop screen content graphically with drag and drop.
    • Comprehensive software examples make developing the code easy.

4. Benefit from object oriented operation.

    • Programming is easy and intuitive.
    • Easily add touch using the tagging and tracking features whilst minimising loading on the MCU.