
The IDM2040-21R is a 2.1-inch circular rotary dial display module based on our FT800 Embedded Video Engine with on-board RP2040 MCU. Create intuitive full colour user interfaces  on the 480 x 480 graphical display, with user interaction via the capacitive touch screen and rotary encoder dial with push button.

  • 接口: USB (RP2040), I2C, RS485, UART, Audio out
  • 触摸类型: 电容式
  • EVE IC 类型: FT800Q
  • 屏幕尺寸: 2.1" circular display
  • 屏幕分辨率: 480 x 480
  • 附文: Circular rotary dial (plastic)
  • 电源: 5V

单个设备包装: USD 90.00
