Cabin controls in vehicles, marine and aviation applications now need to control a greater range of devices. Originally control at individual seats was often limited to a reading light being turned on and off but advances in electronics and in technology such as seat adjustment, seat heating. window shades, individual ventilation and media/audio system provision now mean that button-based controls have become very cluttered and complex. This is especially true for private and corporate vehicles but is also very much applicable to larger commercial vehicles too such as airliners and ferries. Controls may be used at each seat for local control or may also be used to control a zone within the cabin for example. The panel will often be added or integrated into a control system based around a microcontroller (MCU or similar host computer system). This MCU may also directly control motors and light dimming etc. or may link to a control unit via a data bus.
使用支持 EVE 的彩色触摸显示屏可带来许多优势,包括:
- 轻松实现有吸引力的用户友好界面
- Use touch to provide a better user experience and replace mechanical buttons
- 通过一个易于更换的面板控制所有功能
- Provide greater functionality (for example, a colour picker for lighting instead of three fixed button selections)
- 如果需要控制新的或不同的设备,可通过软件更新控制面板
EVE 的以下主要特性使其成为客舱控制面板应用的理想选择:
- 适用于不同环境的电阻式或电容式触摸屏选项
- 用触摸屏操作取代复杂的机械按钮/转盘/水平仪组件
- 自定义触摸(BT815/BT817/BT817A) 允许使用防溅水和钢化屏幕
- 自定义字体允许多语言支持
- 音频输出和内置声音可轻松添加触摸反馈和警报声音
- 屏幕旋转功能允许在纵向方向使用横向面板
- 利用 EVE 广泛的图形支持创建自定义小部件,例如图形和弧度计
- 通过软件为不同的车辆配置配置不同的选项