我可以使用哪种微控制器(MCU)与VM880C EVE开发模块一起使用?

The VM880C connects to a host MCU via a 10-way pin header which has power and SPI signals. Since the EVE devices act as an SPI peripheral, you can use any MCU which has an SPI Master. For an existing design, you can connect the module to a spare SPI master on your existing MCU. For new product designs, you can choose the MCU based on the key product requirements (for example, one which has PWM outputs if you will be controlling motors, or one which is low-cost and has a small PCB footprint). The VM880C can also connect to a PC via a USB-SPI cable.  See the VM880C datasheet 了解更多详细信息。


  • 可设置为SPI模式0的可用SPI主控
  • 使用的SPI信号包括SCK、MOSI、MISO、CS#(注意CS#可以是GPIO)
  • 用于电源关闭信号的可选GPIO输出
  • 可选的中断输入(如果需要中断操作)
  • 由于VM880C板载缓冲器,SPI和GPIO可以使用5V或3.3V信号电平