Traditional conference phones often combine a physical keypad with a very basic LCD display or even no display in many cases thus limiting the functionality of the phone. As conference phones are used by a variety of different users, it makes the product more user friendly if the display allows the user to select options via a graphical menu and to see the status of the unit at-a-glance. Adding an EVE-enabled display can help improve the usability in many ways including:
- 帮助设计人员优化屏幕布局,不受小型固定段 LCD 上符号和图标的限制
- 与传统 LED 和 LCD 显示屏相比,可以更清晰地指示呼叫状态
- 目录可以显示全名和详细信息,包括不同的语言
- Supporting graphical features such as manufacturer branding or customisation
The following key features of EVE make it ideal for a conference phone application:
- 触摸屏支持使物理按钮和键盘可以轻松地替换为屏幕按钮
- 触摸跟踪功能可以轻松实现屏幕上的滑块和旋钮进行音量控制
- 显示用户目录等的全文列表,包括符号、颜色编码和过滤/排序等
- 通过按键小部件显示完整键盘,以便于目录查找等
- Comprehensive graphical features allow pictorial representation of group calls and menu systems etc.
- 显示全文以获取更多描述性状态信息和错误描述等
- 带 EVE 背光 PWM 调光控制的发光屏幕可在不同光线条件下更轻松地使用
- 支持用于会议电话装置的不同外形尺寸的各种不同屏幕
- 屏幕旋转功能(FT81x、BT88x、BT81x)只需一个命令即可将横向屏幕转为纵向使用