Trailing Edge Light Dimmer

Trailing Edge Light Dimmer can be integrated with dimmable LED lamps for adjusting the percentage of light dimming. Our trailing edge technology uses a current that is turned off when the AC waveform ends. The operation is smoother, soft starting and silent.

It can control up to 550W@240VAC or 230W@100VAC for single-change loading.

It has a 2 digit display to show the percentage of dimming. Zero crossing detection determines whether the AC input frequency is 50Hz or 60Hz before enabling dimming.

The dimming can be controlled via the Modbus protocol. An external dimmer controller can also be used to control light dimming via up/down connectors. In addition, the dimming level can be manually overridden via the up/down push.

Interface : Modbus

单个设备包装: USD 100.00
