The EVE Asset Builder (EAB) is a Windows-based tool that contains a set of useful utilities to generate resources for EVE series devices or facilitate the EVE based application development. Users may access these utilities through either GUI or command line.
For BT82X users, please download EAB 3.0. For Non-BT82X users, please download EAB 2.X.
EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.13.0
最新版本的 EAB 可从以下网址下载 2.13.0. You may find the release note 这里。 用户指南可在安装后的 "信息 "选项卡中找到。 用户指南也可从以下网址下载 这里.
For EAB 2.12.2 which can be downloaded from 这里。
For EAB 2.12.0 which can be downloaded from 这里。
For EAB 2.11.1 which can be downloaded from 这里。
For EAB 2.11.1 which can be downloaded from 这里。
For EAB 2.10.2 which can be downloaded from 这里。
EAB 2.10.0 可从以下网址下载 这里。