概述     推荐产品  


Traditional vending machine controls normally consist of mechanical buttons for selecting a product from the vending machine to purchase. These mechanical buttons are often paired with 7 segment display to relay information to the customer and can be difficult to for users to interact with.

An EVE-enabled touch display provides an ideal solution for this, as it allows designers to provide an attractive full colour user interface as well as allowing users to select products via touch. Product previews can also be displayed on the screen to ensure users are confident they are selecting the correct product.

Resistive and capacitive touch versions are available. Traditionally, resistive touch is considered well-suited to operation within harsh environments, whilst capacitive touch offers a more smartphone-like touch operation. However, EVE’s custom touch now also allows use of capacitive screens behind protective glass etc. for vandal and weather resistance, allowing a better user experience for applications such as vending machines.

EVE can bring many benefits to a vending machine interface including:

  • 以用户体验为中心,自由地从头开始设计最佳界面
  • Provide a more informative display (for example, including product images)
  • Simple updates to pricing and descriptions on the display
  • Update to a touchscreen whilst retaining much of the original vending machine MCU/electronics
  • 提高不同字体、大小和语言的可访问性


The following key features of EVE make it ideal for Vending Machine Interfaces:​

  • 电阻式或电容式触摸界面无需机械按钮
  • 广泛的图形功能和位图支持,实现有吸引力的用户界面设计
  • Text command allows full messages to be displayed for better user experience
  • 自定义字体允许多语言支持,而不是为每个地区提供不同的控制器版本
  • ​Audio sound generation for touch acknowledgement and user alerts with minimal effort from the MCU
  • Variety of screen sizes supported to suit different form factors (e.g. 3.5”, 5”, 7”, 10” and circular)
  • 与几乎所有具有 SPI 主设备的 MCU 一起使用,包括低端 MCU
  • 无需使用具有板载图形功能的更复杂的 MCU 重新设计产品
  • Bridgetek 提供的软件工具、示例和技术支持避免了陡峭的学习曲线
