

碧洁特是一家全球领先的半导体公司,提供高性能微控制器单元 (MCU)、显示集成电路产品,并开发创新的硅解决方案,以增强与最新连接技术的无缝互动。我们的主要目标是提供核心桥接技术,为工程师提供高度复杂、功能丰富、坚固耐用且简单易用的产品平台。通过这些平台,可以创建高性能、低外围元件要求、低功耗预算和最小电路板面积的电子设计。

Bridgetek is a leading global semiconductor company developing innovative and high-performance Display Controller ICs and Microcontroller Units (MCUs).

Our key objective is to provide core bridging technology to support engineers with highly sophisticated, feature-rich, robust, and simple-to-use product platforms. These platforms enable creation of electronic designs with high performance, low peripheral component requirements, low power budgets and minimal board real estate.

Bridgetek’s products include the EVE family of display controllers which make it easy to add attractive and fully featured touch-enabled graphical user interfaces to existing and new product designs. Our family of MCUs have been optimized for high-speed interface bridging tasks.

碧洁特的全球公司总部位于亚太地区的中心新加坡。公司采用 "无晶圆厂 "业务模式,在格拉斯哥、新加坡、台北(台湾)和胡志明(越南)设有研发机构,并在格拉斯哥、台北、蒂加德(美国俄勒冈州)和上海(中国)设有区域销售和技术支持机构。