

Bridgetek is a leading global semiconductor company providing high performance microcontroller units (MCUs), display IC products and developing innovative silicon solutions that enhance seamless interaction with the latest connectivity technologies. Our key objective is to provide core bridging technology in order to support engineers with highly sophisticated, feature-rich, robust and simple-to-use product platforms. These platforms enable the creation of electronic designs with high performance, low peripheral component requirements, low power budgets and minimal board real estate.

Bridgetek’s products include a family of highly-differentiated, speed-optimised MCUs that have been developed for high speed, interface bridging tasks. With a parallel camera input, 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet Interface, CAN bus and USB2.0 Hi-Speed peripheral and host ports, these MCUs offer excellent interconnect capabilities and fast data rates. These devices are targeted for key applications where they can add value with their superior system processing performance and high levels of operational efficiency, making them the ideal choice for advanced technology bridging solutions. The company also provides a Human Machine Interface (HMI) display series, namely Embedded Video Engine (EVE) graphic controllers in which each pack display, audio and touch functionality onto a single chip. The unique, streamlined approach utilised by these ICs allow dramatic reductions in the development time and bill-of-materials costs involved in next generation HMI implementation.

碧洁特的全球公司总部位于亚太地区的中心新加坡。公司采用 "无晶圆厂 "业务模式,在格拉斯哥、新加坡、台北(台湾)和胡志明(越南)设有研发机构,并在格拉斯哥、台北、蒂加德(美国俄勒冈州)和上海(中国)设有区域销售和技术支持机构。